Soothe The Mind, Body & Soul
Holistic complimentary therapies are becoming increasingly popular these days. This is due to the nature of modern day living, with the extra stresses, strains and demands put upon us. It is vital to regularly take a little time out for yourself to truly let go, relax, and let yourself recharge.


Soothe The Mind, Body & Soul
Holistic complimentary therapies are becoming increasingly popular these days. This is due to the nature of modern day living, with the extra stresses, strains and demands put upon us. It is vital to regularly take a little time out for yourself to truly let go, relax, and let yourself recharge.


Indian head massage is a relaxing holistic treatment that uses acupressure massage on the head, face, neck and shoulders. It is a deep massage, which uses a variety of pressure and techniques that tap into your seven "chakras" or paths of energy and encourage healing and balance in your whole body.
The massage originates from an Indian alternative medicine system called Ayurveda, (translated as the ‘science of life’), whereby it is believed that the mind and body are intricately connected and thus can influence one another. Indian head massage can not only reduce headaches and improve physical well-being, but it can also improve mental and emotional wellness too.
Standard £25 (duration approximately 30 mins)
With Back Massage £35 (duration approximately 45 mins)
Indian Head Massage


A natural and relaxing therapy used traditionally by the Hopi Indians. This treatment is excellent for anyone who suffers from sinusitis, headaches, migraines, head colds, glue ear, hayfever or excessive wax.
The hand-made structures are hollow tubes which contain honey, sage, St Johns Wort and camomile. The candle is then lit and the resulting gentle suction and vacuum draws the wax and impurities from the ear and produces a light suction action.
This treatment is completely painless and helps to rebalance the ear by drawing out impurities. It’s relaxing, soothing and a natural alternative to syringing.
Standard £22
(duration approximately 30 mins)
With Facial Massage £30
(duration approximately 45 mins)
Hopi Ear Candle